Boxer & Student
My name is Lesli Valu Falefehi. I was born in Brisbane, Australia. My Pacific heritage is Tongan/Samoan. My mother is full Tongan and my father Tongan/Samoan. I am now in year 2 at Woodridge State primary, Brisbane. I am the eldest out of 5 kids, I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. I love art, music and mostly boxing.

How old are you and how long have you been boxing?
I am 6 years old and I started boxing at the age of 3.

Where did your love of boxing come from?
My father is a pro-boxer, he took me to his fight one night and I loved it. I asked my Dad to teach me how to box, so from there my passion for boxing grew so did my skills and strength. I love it because it gives me skills to self defend myself from stranger danger.
Do you have any female boxers that you look up to or fighters in general that you think are inspiring?
Not really, my inspiration to keep going is my father. I watch some girls fight but I look up to my Dad. I train every day for 20 minutes with my Dad, brother and sister. We do exercise to keep us healthy and fit.

Have you entered any boxing competitions?
No because where I stay boxing age starts at 11, so I am too young. I just train at home with Dad.

Do you think you'll stick with Boxing or would you like to get into Kick Boxing and MMA as well?
Yes I love boxing, I'm not sure about kick boxing and MMA, maybe when I am a bit older.

What goals do you have for the future.
When I am older I would like to be a boxer and represent my country also where my parents come from. I also love music, art and makeup.